
5 Answers

Here are key Sufi concepts:

1. *Fana* (Annihilation): Spiritual ego-death, transcending individual identity, and dissolving into God’s presence.

2. *Baqa* (Subsistence): Surviving or subsisting in God’s presence after Fana, experiencing eternal life.

3. *Tawhid* (Oneness): Embracing God’s unity and uniqueness.

4. *Wahdat al-Wujud* (Unity of Existence): Recognizing God’s existence in all things.

5. *Ishq* (Divine Love): Experiencing passionate love for God.

6. *Ma’rifa* (Gnosis): Direct knowledge or intuition of spiritual truths.

7. *Dhikr* (Remembrance): Focusing on God through devotional practices.

8. *Muraqaba* (Meditation): Contemplating God’s presence.

9. *Sufi Tariqa* (Path): Spiritual orders or brotherhoods guiding seekers.

10. *Sheikh* or *Pir* (Spiritual Guide): Experienced mentors guiding Sufis on their journey.

11. *Baraka* (Blessings): Spiritual energy transmitted through saints or sacred objects.

12. *Karamat* (Miracles): Extraordinary events attributed to saints’ spiritual power.

These concepts form the foundation of Sufism, emphasizing spiritual growth, love, and devotion to achieve unity with God.

Ali Khan Ali Khan Answered question August 28, 2024
