Here are key Sufi concepts:
1. *Fana* (Annihilation): Spiritual ego-death, transcending individual identity, and dissolving into God’s presence.
2. *Baqa* (Subsistence): Surviving or subsisting in God’s presence after Fana, experiencing eternal life.
3. *Tawhid* (Oneness): Embracing God’s unity and uniqueness.
4. *Wahdat al-Wujud* (Unity of Existence): Recognizing God’s existence in all things.
5. *Ishq* (Divine Love): Experiencing passionate love for God.
6. *Ma’rifa* (Gnosis): Direct knowledge or intuition of spiritual truths.
7. *Dhikr* (Remembrance): Focusing on God through devotional practices.
8. *Muraqaba* (Meditation): Contemplating God’s presence.
9. *Sufi Tariqa* (Path): Spiritual orders or brotherhoods guiding seekers.
10. *Sheikh* or *Pir* (Spiritual Guide): Experienced mentors guiding Sufis on their journey.
11. *Baraka* (Blessings): Spiritual energy transmitted through saints or sacred objects.
12. *Karamat* (Miracles): Extraordinary events attributed to saints’ spiritual power.
These concepts form the foundation of Sufism, emphasizing spiritual growth, love, and devotion to achieve unity with God.