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What Happens to Animals After Death in Islam? Do Dogs Go to Heaven?

As Muslims, we are taught to show kindness and compassion to all living beings, including animals. But have you ever wondered what happens to them in the afterlife? If you have a pet, especially a dog, you might be curious about their fate on the Day of Judgment. Will they be rewarded with a place in heaven?

The Fate of Dogs in the Afterlife

In Islam, dogs are known for their loyalty and affection, yet they, like all animals, face specific outcomes in the hereafter. According to Islamic teachings, dogs do not go to heaven. However, as the Quran and various Hadiths mention, all animals will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment to ensure justice is served for them. After this, they will be turned into dust, as they are not accountable for their actions in the same way humans are.

What Does Islam Say About the Death of Pets?

The Quran provides insight into the fate of animals after death:

“There is no creature on earth or bird that flies with its wings but that they are communities like you. We have not neglected in the Register a thing. Then unto their Lord, they will be gathered.” (Quran 6:38)

This verse indicates that animals will be gathered on the Day of Judgment for Allah to enact justice on their behalf.

“And when the wild beasts are gathered…” (Quran 81:5)

Ibn Abbas, a notable companion of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), explained that even the smallest creatures will be gathered, including flies.

Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“All creatures will have their scores settled on the Day of Resurrection; even the hornless sheep will settle its score with the horned sheep.” (Muslim)

From this Hadith, it is clear that animals will be turned into dust after their scores are settled, as they are not held accountable for their deeds. Therefore, dogs do not go to heaven, nor do other animals.

The Importance of Kindness to Animals in Islam

Islam teaches us to be compassionate towards all animals, especially those like dogs that rely on humans for care. The Quran even names several Surahs after animals, emphasizing their significance in creation.

“There is no creature moving on the earth, nor a bird flying on its two wings, but they are all communities like you. We have not missed anything in the Book. Then, to their Lord, all of them shall be gathered.” (Quran 6:38)

Why Were Animals Created?

Allah created animals to benefit humankind in various ways, as mentioned in the Quran:

“And He created the cattle for you as a source of warmth, food, and many other benefits… They carry your loads to distant lands which you could not otherwise reach without great hardship. Surely your Lord is Ever Gracious, Most Merciful.” (Quran 16:5-8)

The Reward for Showing Mercy to Animals

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) highlighted the virtue of kindness to animals through several teachings. In one instance, he shared a story of a man who was forgiven by Allah for showing mercy to a thirsty dog. The Prophet (PBUH) said:

“In every living being, there is a reward.”

Conversely, those who mistreat animals face severe consequences, as illustrated by the story of a woman who was condemned to Hell for starving a cat.

“A woman was tormented because of a cat which she had confined until it died. She did not give it to eat or drink, nor did she free it to eat the insects of the earth.” (Bukhari)


While dogs and other animals will not enter heaven, they will receive justice on the Day of Judgment. As Muslims, it is our duty to treat them with kindness, mercy, and care, knowing that there is a reward in every act of compassion towards them.

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