
7 Answers

In Islam, giving charity (Sadaqah) is a vital act of worship and a means to cultivate compassion, generosity, and spiritual growth. Here’s the proper way to give charity:


1. Pure intention: Give charity solely for Allah’s pleasure.
2. Sincerity: Ensure your intention is free from showmanship or personal gain.

*Types of Charity*

1. Zakat (obligatory charity): 2.5% of excess wealth.
2. Sadaqah (voluntary charity): Any amount, anytime.
3. Fitr (Ramadan charity): Given during Ramadan.


1. Give from halal (lawful) sources.
2. Prioritize local, needy individuals.
3. Maintain anonymity (if possible).
4. Avoid harming or embarrassing recipients.
5. Give with kindness and respect.

*Quranic Teachings*

1. “Spend from what We have provided.” (Quran 25:29)
2. “Charity extinguishes sins.” (Quran 2:271)
3. “Give to those in need.” (Quran 51:19)

*Prophetic Teachings*

1. “The best of deeds is charity.” (Hadith: Bukhari)
2. “Give charity, even if it’s half a date.” (Hadith: Muslim)
3. “Charity purifies wealth.” (Hadith: Ibn Majah)

*Recommended Practices*

1. Regular giving: Establish a consistent charity routine.
2. Secret giving: Give without revealing your identity.
3. Local giving: Support local communities and mosques.
4. Educational giving: Support Islamic education and knowledge.

*Charity Recipients*

1. The poor and needy.
2. Orphans and widows.
3. Travelers and stranded individuals.
4. Students seeking knowledge.
5. Those struggling with debt.


1. Quran
2. Hadith (Prophetic traditions)
3. Islamic jurisprudence texts
4. Fiqh (Islamic law) manuals

By following these guidelines, Muslims can ensure their charity is accepted by Allah and benefits both the giver and receiver.

Remember, charity is a fundamental aspect of Islam, and every act of kindness counts.

Queen Abeeha Answered question November 7, 2024
