
5 Answers

The Islamic view on music and entertainment is nuanced and can vary depending on interpretation, cultural context, and individual belief systems. There is no single stance on the matter, but several general perspectives exist within Islamic scholarship.


The majority of Islamic scholars, particularly from conservative or traditional schools of thought, hold that music is haram (forbidden) based on various Hadiths (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) that caution against activities that may divert one’s attention from religious duties. These scholars argue that music, especially if it encourages immoral behavior, distracts from spiritual development, and promotes negative influences, is prohibited.

However, other scholars and Islamic thinkers take a more lenient stance, viewing music as permissible (halal) under certain conditions. They argue that music itself is neutral, and its permissibility depends on the context, lyrics, and the influence it has on the listener. For example, instrumental music without inappropriate content might be viewed as acceptable, while music with explicit or harmful messages would be discouraged.

In contemporary contexts, some Islamic scholars and communities have adopted more moderate positions, recognizing music as a form of cultural expression that may be enjoyed as long as it aligns with Islamic values (avoiding promotion of alcohol, promiscuity, or violence).


Islamic teachings allow for entertainment and leisure as long as they do not interfere with religious obligations (such as prayer, fasting, or other pillars of Islam) or promote sinful behavior. Prophet Muhammad is reported to have allowed certain forms of entertainment, such as poetry, archery, and light-hearted games, as long as they were in moderation and did not encourage immorality.

The permissibility of entertainment such as movies, TV shows, or video games is often debated. Entertainment that encourages good values, positive messages, or educational content is typically seen as acceptable. However, content that promotes violence, promiscuity, materialism, or other behaviors deemed immoral is usually discouraged.

Key Considerations:

Impact on Faith and Morality: Entertainment or music that leads to neglecting religious duties, such as spending excessive time listening to music instead of performing prayers, is generally viewed negatively.

Content: Islamic scholars generally caution against content that promotes sinful behavior, vulgarity, or un-Islamic ideas.

Intention and Context: The individual’s intention behind seeking entertainment or music is crucial in determining its permissibility. If it serves as a distraction from worship or promotes immoral behavior, it may be seen as harmful.


There is no consensus on music and entertainment in Islam, and views differ depending on interpretation and context. While some scholars strictly prohibit music and entertainment, others take a more flexible approach, emphasizing moderation and the importance of content aligning with

AHMED SHEHROZ Answered question November 23, 2024
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