
8 Answers

In Islam, gossip (known as  and backbiting known as are considered serious sins. Both are harmful behaviors that can damage relationships, cause discord, and undermine the moral fabric of society. The Qur’an and Hadith provide clear guidance on these matters, strongly condemning both practices.

Backbiting is defined as speaking about someone in their absence in a way that they would dislike if they were present, even if what is being said is true. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) described backbiting by saying: Do you know what backbiting is They said, Allah and His Messenger know best.He said, “It is to mention your brother in a way that he dislikes. Someone asked, “What if my brother is as I say He said, “If he is as you say, you have backbitten him, and if he is not as you say, you have slandered him” (Sahih Muslim).ondemnation in the Qur’a

he Example of Eating Dead Flesh**: The Qur’an vividly condemns backbiting by comparing it to eating the flesh of a dead brother. In Surah Al-Hujurat (49:12), Allah says: “O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each

Asairam Ali Answered question August 28, 2024
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