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In Islam, birth and labor are respected with significant importance and regard. The following are ten models pondering Islamic points of view these occasions:

1. **Gratitude and Praise**: The introduction of a youngster is viewed as a gift and an indication of Allah’s beauty. Guardians are urged to offer thanks and recognition Allah for the endowment of a kid.

2. **Aqeeqah Ceremony**: On the seventh day after birth, it is standard to play out an Aqeeqah, which includes forfeiting a creature and conveying the meat among family, companions, and poor people. This act represents the festival and appreciation for the new life.

3. **Naming the Child**: The youngster ought to be given a decent name, ideally with positive implications. It is urged to name the kid on the seventh day, and names of Prophets or noble people are much of the time picked.

4. **Recitation of Adhan**: It is a Sunnah to present the Adhan (Islamic call to petition) in the infant’s right ear and the Iqamah (the call to start supplication) in the left ear. This act is accepted to be an approach to inviting the kid into the confidence.

5. **Circumcision**: While not ordered in the Quran, circumcision is viewed as a suggested practice for Muslim young men, following the custom of the Prophet Muhammad (harmony arrive).

6. **Cleanliness and Purification**: Islam stresses tidiness and virtue, and this stretches out to labor. Appropriate cleanliness and tidiness are supported, and the infant is many times washed and wearing clean garments.

7. **Dua for Protection**: Guardians are urged to make Dua (petitions) for the assurance and prosperity of the youngster, requesting that Allah award them wellbeing, confidence, and great person.

8. **Support for the Mother**: The prosperity of the mother is exceptionally esteemed. The Prophet Muhammad (harmony arrive) underscored the significance of offering help, sympathy, and care to the mother during and after labor.

9. **Postpartum Care**: There are explicit rules in Islam about post pregnancy care, including the time of Iddah (holding up period) for ladies who have conceived an offspring, which is in many cases a period for actual recuperation and reflection.

10. **Moral and Profound Guidance**: Guardians are urged to confer moral and otherworldly direction to their kids, showing them Islam and setting a genuine model in their childhood.

These practices and points of view mirror the significance Islam puts on the sacredness of life and the obligations of being a parent.

Anonymous Answered question August 28, 2024
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