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Islamic perspective on birth and childbirth:


1. Blessing from Allah: Children are considered a blessing from Allah (Quran 17:24).

2. Trust from Allah: Children are entrusted to parents by Allah (Quran 31:14).

3. Sacred Life: Life is sacred, and every child is precious (Quran 5:32).


1. Pain Relief: Islamic scholars allow pain relief during childbirth (Bukhari).

2. Medical Assistance: Seeking medical help is encouraged (Quran 16:66).

3. Prayer and Supplication: Duas (prayers) are recommended during childbirth (Tirmidhi).


1. Purification (Ghusl): Mother’s purification after childbirth is obligatory (Bukhari).

2. Naming: Naming the child is Sunnah (Prophetic tradition) (Bukhari).

3. Aqiqah (Celebration): Celebrating the birth with Aqiqah (animal sacrifice) is Sunnah (Tirmidhi).

*Parental Responsibilities*

1. Tarbiyah (Upbringing): Parents are responsible for upbringing and education (Quran 31:14).

2. Islamic Values: Teaching Islamic values and morals is essential (Quran 66:6).

3. Role Modeling: Parents should be good role models (Quran 31:14).


1. “Every child is born on the fitrah (natural inclination to Islam).” (Muslim)

2. “The best of your treasures are your righteous children.” (Tirmidhi)

3. “A child’s first teacher is its mother.” (Abu Dawud)

*Quranic Verses*

1. “And We have enjoined upon man goodness to parents.” (29:8)

2. “And We have made you into nations and tribes.” (49:13)

3. “And He has made me blessed wherever I may be.” (19:31)

*Islamic Rulings*

1. Family Planning: Permitted, but not obligatory (Quran 4:3).

2. Abortion: Generally prohibited, except in exceptional cases (Quran 5:32).

3. Adoption: Permitted, but with conditions (Quran 33:4-5).

Kya aapko aur information chahiye?

Wajeeha Akram Answered question November 22, 2024
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