
4 Answers

Surah Al-Fatiha is the first chapter of the Quran and is recited in every unit of prayer. Here’s the correct way to recite it:

1. Start with the intention (niyyah) to recite Surah Al-Fatiha.
2. Say “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah) before reciting the surah.
3. Recite the surah slowly and clearly, pronouncing each word correctly.
4. Pay attention to the tajweed rules, such as:
– Ghunna (nasalization) in words like “maliki” and “rahmani”.
– Qalqala (vibration) in words like “qayyum”.
– Idgham (merging) in words like “din”.
5. Emphasize the correct syllables and words.
6. Pause briefly at the end of each verse (ayah).
7. After reciting the last verse, say “Amin” (O Allah, accept our prayer).
8. If you’re leading the prayer, pause briefly after “Amin” to allow the congregation to catch up.

Here’s a brief breakdown of the surah:

– “Bismillah…” (1 word)
– “Al-hamdu lillahi…” (5 words)
– “Rabbi l-‘alamin…” (5 words)
– “Maliki yawmi l-din…” (5 words)
– “Iyyaka na’budu…” (5 words)
– “Ihdi nas-sirata l-mustaqim…” (5 words)
– “Sirata l-ladhina…” (5 words)
– “An’amta ‘alayhim…” (5 words)
– “Ghayri l-maghduubi ‘alayhim…” (5 words)
– “Wa la l-dhaal-liin…” (5 words)
– “Amin” (1 word)

Remember, the key is to recite Surah Al-Fatiha with focus, respect, and a willingness to connect with Allah’s words.

Bader Aslam Answered question November 9, 2024
