Salat-ul-Taraweeh is a special prayer performed by Sunni Muslims during the nights of Ramadan. Here’s how it is traditionally performed:
1. **Timing**: Taraweeh is prayed after the Isha (night) prayer and before the Fajr (dawn) prayer. It is ideally performed in the late night, but it can be prayed any time after Isha.
2. **Number of Raka’ahs**: Taraweeh traditionally consists of 20 raka’ahs, though some traditions have different numbers, such as 8. The practice can vary between different communities and schools of thought.
3. **Recitation**: During Taraweeh, the Quran is recited. The imam leading the prayer will recite from memory or use the Quran, and the goal is to complete the recitation of the entire Quran during the month of Ramadan. However, individual practices may vary.
4. **Method**: The prayer is performed in units of two raka’ahs each. After completing two raka’ahs, it’s customary to take a short break if needed, but this is not mandatory.
5. **Leadership**: It is recommended to pray Taraweeh in congregation at the mosque with an imam, though it can also be prayed individually or in smaller groups at home.