Tawhid is the central concept in Islam, denoting the oneness and uniqueness of Allah. It’s the foundation of Islamic belief and practice, emphasizing:
1. *Unity of Existence*: Allah is the sole creator, sustainer, and governor of the universe.
2. *Unity of Lordship*: Allah is the only lord and master, with complete authority and control.
3. *Unity of Worship*: Allah alone deserves worship, obedience, and devotion.
4. *Unity of Names and Attributes*: Allah’s names and attributes are unique and incomparable.Tawhid shapes Islamic belief and practice in several ways:
1. *Monotheistic worship*: Muslims worship only Allah, rejecting polytheism and idolatry.
2. *Sovereignty and trust*: Muslims trust in Allah’s power, wisdom, and mercy, submitting to His will.
3. *Moral accountability*: Muslims recognize Allah’s absolute justice and accountability for their actions.
4. *Spiritual focus*: Tawhid guides Muslims’ daily life, encouraging a constant awareness of Allah’s presence.
5. *Unity and brotherhood*: Tawhid fosters a sense of unity among Muslims, transcending racial, ethnic, and cultural differences.
Asif Iqbal Answered question August 29, 2024