
7 Answers

Quranic exegesis (Tafsir) has a rich history, with various approaches and methodologies developed over time. Here are some of the main approaches:

*Traditional Approaches*

1. *Tafsir bi-al-Ma’thur* (Narrative Exegesis): Relies on prophetic hadiths, companion reports, and early Islamic scholarship.

2. *Tafsir bi-al-Ra’y* (Rational Exegesis): Employs personal reasoning, analogy, and philosophical insights.

*Classical Approaches*

1. *Tafsir al-Tabari* (Historical Exegesis): Focuses on historical context, linguistic analysis, and narrative explanation.

2. *Tafsir al-Razi* (Philosophical Exegesis): Integrates philosophical and theological perspectives.

*Modern Approaches*

1. *Tafsir al-Manhaji* (Thematic Exegesis): Examines the Quran’s themes, motifs, and literary structures.

2. *Tafsir al-Mawdu’i* (Topical Exegesis): Focuses on specific topics, such as social justice or environmentalism.

3. *Tafsir al-Ijtima’i* (Socio-Cultural Exegesis): Considers the Quran’s relevance to contemporary social and cultural issues.

*Contemporary Approaches*

1. *Tafsir al-Tahdidi* (Contextual Exegesis): Emphasizes the importance of understanding the Quran’s historical and cultural context.

2. *Tafsir al-Tajdidi* (Renewal Exegesis): Seeks to reinterpret the Quran in light of modern challenges and realities.

3. *Tafsir al-Muqaran* (Comparative Exegesis): Compares and contrasts different interpretations and approaches.

*Other Approaches*

1. *Tafsir al-Sufi* (Mystical Exegesis): Focuses on spiritual and mystical dimensions of the Quran.

2. *Tafsir al-Feminist* (Feminist Exegesis): Examines the Quran from a feminist perspective, highlighting issues related to gender and equality.

These approaches are not mutually exclusive, and many scholars combine elements from multiple approaches to develop their own methodology.

RAJA Khan Answered question November 22, 2024
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