As a Muslim, there are several obligations towards the environment based on Islamic teachings. Here are some key responsibilities:
*1. Stewardship (Khilafah)*: Muslims are considered stewards of the Earth, entrusted by Allah to protect and preserve it for future generations. (Quran 6:165)
*2. Conservation (Hifz)*: Muslims are encouraged to conserve natural resources, avoid waste, and protect the environment from harm. (Quran 31:19)
*3. Sustainable Living (Tawazun)*: Muslims should strive for balance and moderation in their consumption, avoiding excess and extravagance. (Quran 25:2)
*4. Protection of Wildlife (Himayah)*: Muslims are commanded to protect and preserve wildlife and their habitats. (Quran 6:38)
*5. Preservation of Water (Hifz al-Ma’)*: Muslims are encouraged to conserve water and protect it from pollution. (Quran 21:30)
*6. Reduction of Pollution (Tahdheed)*: Muslims should minimize pollution and avoid harming the environment. (Quran 7:56)
*7. Care for Animals (Rahmah)*: Muslims are commanded to treat animals with compassion and kindness. (Quran 6:38)
*8. Sustainable Agriculture (Zira’ah)*: Muslims should practice sustainable agriculture, avoiding harmful practices that damage the environment. (Quran 23:19)
*9. Environmental Justice (Adl)*: Muslims should advocate for environmental justice, ensuring fair access to natural resources for all. (Quran 4:58)
*10. Accountability (Hisab)*: Muslims will be held accountable by Allah for their actions towards the environment. (Quran 11:105)
Islamic principles and practices that support environmental stewardship include:
– Planting trees (Hadith: “Whoever plants a tree will have reward for every fruit or leaf that grows from it.”)
– Reducing energy consumption (Hadith: “Do not waste water, even if you are by a river.”)
– Avoiding single-use plastics (Hadith: “Do not waste resources.”)
– Supporting sustainable food systems (Hadith: “Eat of the good things We have provided for you.”)
– Quran
– Hadith (Prophetic traditions)
– Islamic scholars’ interpretations
– Muslim Environmental Network
– Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences
Remember, environmental stewardship is a fundamental aspect of Islamic faith and practice.