Usman Usman Answered question November 22, 2024
The slowest animal on land is the sloth, moving at 0.15-0.30 km/h (0.09-0.19 mph). Sloths’ slow metabolism helps conserve energy, as they survive on limited food resources.
Other slow-moving animals:
1. Tortoise: 0.2-0.5 km/h (0.12-0.31 mph)
2. Slug: 0.05 km/h (0.03 mph)
3. Snail: 0.05 km/h (0.03 mph)
1. Sea anemone: 0.02 km/h (0.01 mph)
2. Starfish: 0.02 km/h (0.01 mph)
3. Sea cucumber: 0.03 km/h (0.02 mph)
1. Hummingbird (hovering): 0.3 km/h (0.19 mph)
2. Butterfly: 0.8-10 km/h (0.5-6.2 mph)
1. Guinness World Records
2. National Geographic
3. Animal Planet
Muhammad Kazim Answered question November 6, 2024