
6 Answers

Seeking reassurance on prayer acceptance is a common concern. Here are some Islamic guidelines and tips to help:

_Understand Allah’s Mercy:_

1. Allah’s acceptance is not solely dependent on human perception.

2. Focus on sincerity, humility, and consistency in prayer.

_Reflect on Prayer Quality:_

1. Ensure proper Wudu (ablution) and physical cleanliness.

2. Maintain focus (Khushu’) and humility during prayer.

3. Recite Quran correctly and with understanding.

4. Avoid distractions and mental wanderings.

_Signs of Accepted Prayer:_

1. Feeling of tranquility and peace.

2. Tears or emotional connection during prayer.

3. Increased devotion and spiritual growth.

4. Positive changes in behavior and thoughts.

_Dua (Supplication) for Acceptance:_

1. Recite Quranic supplications (e.g., Quran 2:201, 3:193-194).

2. Use Prophetic supplications (e.g., “Rabbij’alni muqim as-salat”).

3. Make personal, heartfelt supplications.

_Seek Forgiveness:_

1. Regularly perform Istighfar (seeking forgiveness).

2. Reflect on past actions and seek forgiveness for shortcomings.

_Consult Islamic Scholars:_

1. Seek guidance from knowledgeable Imams or scholars.

2. Attend Islamic lectures and workshops.

_Patience and Perseverance:_

1. Continue praying with sincerity and consistency.

2. Trust Allah’s wisdom and mercy.

_Key Quranic verses and Hadiths:_

– Quran 2:186: “And when My servants ask you about Me, then indeed I am near.”

– Quran 40:60: “And your Lord says, ‘Call upon Me; I will respond to you.'”

– Hadith (Bukhari): “The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘Allah does not accept the prayer of one who does not perform Wudu properly.'”

_Additional Tips:_

1. Maintain a prayer journal to track progress.

2. Engage in remembrance (Dhikr) outside prayer.

3. Cultivate gratitude and positivity.

Remember, prayer acceptance is between you and Allah. Focus on sincerity, humility, and consistency, and trust Allah’s mercy.

Would you like more guidance or reassurance?

Ali Ali Answered question November 13, 2024
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