
4 Answers

If someone is unable to fast during Ramadan due to pregnancy, they should:

1. **Make Up the Fasts:** If possible, they should plan to make up the missed fasts later, after Ramadan, once they are able to do so safely.

2. **Fidya (Compensation):** If they cannot make up the fasts due to ongoing health issues or if it would harm their health, they can provide Fidya, which is feeding a poor person for each day of fasting missed.

3. **Consult a Scholar:** Seek guidance from a knowledgeable Islamic scholar to understand the best course of action based on their specific situation.

4. **Prioritize Health:** Always prioritize their health and the health of their child, as Islam allows for exceptions in fasting when it poses a risk.

By taking these steps, they can fulfill their religious obligations while ensuring their well-being and that of their child.

Umair Iqbal Answered question November 2, 2024
