
5 Answers

http://In Islam, both fulfilling promises and adhering to religious obligations are important duties. However, when a conflict arises between the two, the general guidance in Islamic teachings is that religious obligations take precedence. Here’s how a Muslim should navigate this conflict: 1. Prioritize Religious Obligations: If fulfilling a promise conflicts with a religious duty (such as prayer, fasting, or other worship), the religious obligation should take precedence. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “The rights of Allah are the most important to fulfill.” Therefore, if the promise interferes with an obligatory act of worship, the Muslim should prioritize their duty to Allah. 2. Make Efforts to Fulfill Both: If possible, the individual should strive to find a way to honor the promise while still fulfilling their religious obligations. This might include finding a time to make up a missed prayer, communicating with the person they made the promise to, or finding an alternative solution that allows both to be fulfilled. 3. Make Up for Unfulfilled Promises: If the promise cannot be fulfilled due to the necessity of adhering to a religious obligation, a Muslim should sincerely apologize and offer to fulfill the promise later, as honesty and good intentions are highly valued in Islam. 4. Repentance and Seeking Forgiveness: If the promise is not fulfilled due to negligence or oversight, the individual should repent to Allah, seek forgiveness, and strive to improve their actions in the future. Islam teaches that Allah is Most Merciful and Forgiving. In conclusion, the key is to balance both duties with sincerity, ensuring that one does not neglect religious obligations, while also showing respect for promises made.

Adila Mazhar Answered question November 22, 2024
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