If a person is in debt and unable to pay Zakat, they should:
1. **Assess Obligations:** Determine if their remaining wealth after debts meets the nisab (minimum threshold) for Zakat. If it does not, they are not required to pay Zakat.
2. **Prioritize Debt Repayment:** Focus on repaying debts first, as fulfilling financial obligations takes precedence over paying Zakat.
3. **Seek Help:** Consider seeking assistance from family, friends, or charitable organizations if needed to meet both debt obligations and Zakat.
4. **Make Intention (Niyyah):** Maintain the intention to pay Zakat once their financial situation improves.
5. **Consult Scholars:** If uncertain, consult a knowledgeable scholar for specific guidance tailored to their circumstances.
This approach ensures they responsibly manage their debts while remaining mindful of their Zakat obligations.