That’s a comprehensive overview of Islamic bioethics and medical ethics. Here’s a reformatted version with added subsections for clarity:
*Principles of Islamic Bioethics*
1. Sanctity of life (Quran 5:32)
2. Protection from harm
3. Beneficence (promoting well-being)
4. Autonomy (patients’ rights and informed consent)
5. Justice (fair distribution of resources)
*Medical Ethics*
1. Informed consent
2. Confidentiality
3. Non-maleficence (avoiding harm)
4. Truthfulness (honest diagnosis and prognosis)
*Bioethics Issues*
1. Organ donation (permitted if voluntary and beneficial)
2. Euthanasia (prohibited)
3. Abortion (generally prohibited except in cases of necessity)
4. Stem cell research (permitted if benefits outweigh harms)
*Islamic Rulings*
1. Cloning (prohibited)
2. Genetic engineering (permitted for therapeutic purposes)
3. Assisted reproduction (allowed within marriage)
*Guidelines and Authorities*
1. Islamic Fiqh Council (OIC)
2. Islamic Medical Association
3. National Islamic Bioethics Committees
*Scholarly Contributions*
1. Ibn Sina (Avicenna)
2. Ibn Rushd (Averroes)
3. Contemporary scholars like Yusuf al-Qaradawi
*Challenges and Debates*
1. Balancing religious and secular perspectives
2. Addressing emerging technologies
3. Harmonizing diverse Islamic opinions
Islamic jurisprudence provides a valuable framework for bioethics and medical ethics, emphasizing compassion, justice, and human life’s sanctity.
For further reading:
– “Islamic Bioethics: A Critical Introduction” by Ahmed Abdelrahman
– “Islamic Medical Ethics” by Islamic Medical Association
– “The Quran and Modern Medicine” by Mohamed Ali Albar
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