
5 Answers

A delicate situation! If you’re asked to mediate a conflict but feel biased, follow these steps:

1. Acknowledge your bias: Recognize and accept your feelings.

2. Disclose your bias: Inform the parties involved about your concerns.

3. Recuse yourself: Suggest an alternative mediator for impartiality.

4. Offer support: Provide resources or guidance to find a suitable mediator.

If you still decide to mediate:

1. Set clear boundaries: Establish guidelines to maintain neutrality.

2. Actively listen: Focus on understanding all perspectives.

3. Remain impartial: Make decisions based on facts, not biases.

Remember, fairness and neutrality are crucial in mediation. Prioritize the conflict resolution process’s integrity!

Saddam Hussain Answered question November 7, 2024
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