
12 Answers

In Islam, friendships are considered important relationships that can bring joy, support, and spiritual growth. Here are some guidelines on how Muslims should treat their friends:

*Rights of Friends:*

1. Sincerity (Ikhlas): Be genuine and true in your friendship.
2. Loyalty (Wafa’): Stand by your friends in times of need.
3. Respect (Ihtiram): Treat friends with dignity and respect.
4. Trust (Amanah): Keep confidences and be reliable.
5. Kindness (Rahma): Show compassion and empathy.

*Prophetic Teachings:*

1. “The best of friends are those who are best in deeds.” (Bukhari)
2. “A true friend is one who helps you in times of need.” (Tirmidhi)
3. “Do not sever ties with your friends, even if you disagree.” (Abu Dawud)

*Quranic Guidance:*

1. “And We have made some of you as a trial for others. Will you have patience?” (25:20)
2. “And show kindness to parents, and to kindred, and to orphans.” (4:36)
3. “And be good to the neighbour who is a stranger.” (4:36)

*Practical Tips:*

1. Communicate openly and honestly.
2. Be supportive and encouraging.
3. Respect differences and opinions.
4. Avoid gossip and backbiting.
5. Show gratitude and appreciation.
6. Be patient and forgiving.
7. Engage in beneficial activities together.
8. Pray for each other’s well-being.

*Friendship Boundaries:*

1. Avoid friendships that lead to sin or harm.
2. Set boundaries to maintain moral integrity.
3. Prioritize family and community responsibilities.

By following these guidelines, Muslims can cultivate strong, meaningful friendships that bring joy, support, and spiritual growth.


– Quran
– Hadith collections (Bukhari, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud)
– Islamic scholars and commentators (e.g., Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Qayyim)

shuaa hassan Answered question November 12, 2024
