
11 Answers

In Islam, Muslims are taught to treat non-Muslims with respect, kindness, and justice. Here are some guidelines:

*General Principles:*

1. Respect and dignity: Treat non-Muslims with same respect as Muslims.

2. Kindness and compassion: Show empathy and concern for their well-being.

3. Justice: Treat non-Muslims fairly and without bias.

4. No coercion: Respect their faith choices, no forced conversions.

*Quranic Teachings:*

1. “No compulsion in religion” (2:256).

2. “Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching” (16:125).

3. “And do not argue with the People of the Book except in a way that is best” (16:125).

*Prophetic Examples:*

1. Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) treaty with non-Muslims in Medina.

2. His kindness to non-Muslim neighbors and visitors.

3. His teachings on justice and fairness.

*Practical Applications:*

1. Greet non-Muslims warmly.

2. Show interest in their culture and traditions.

3. Engage in respectful dialogue.

4. Offer help and assistance when needed.

5. Defend their rights and dignity.


1. Self-defense: When threatened or attacked.

2. Islamic law: Follow Shariah guidelines for interactions.

*Historical Examples:*

1. Islamic Golden Age: Muslims, Christians, and Jews coexisted harmoniously.

2. Ottoman Empire: Non-Muslims held high positions and enjoyed rights.


– Treat non-Muslims as fellow human beings.

– Respect differences, focus on shared values.

– Follow Islamic teachings and Prophetic examples.

*Du’a for Interfaith Harmony:*

“O Allah, bring hearts together, and guide us to mutual understanding and respect.”

Arsalan Khan Answered question November 11, 2024
