The Prayer of Need (Salat al-Hajah) is a voluntary prayer that Muslims can perform when they face a particular difficulty, need, or wish to seek Allah’s help and guidance. Here’s a step-by-step guide based on common scholarly recommendations
1. Make the Intention (Niyyah)
Begin with a sincere intention to perform Salat al-Hajah for your specific need.
Intend in your heart to seek Allah’s assistance and blessings.
2. Perform Wudu (Ablution)
Ensure you are in a state of physical and spiritual cleanliness by performing wudu (ablution).
3. Offer Two Rak’ahs (Units of Prayer)
First Rak’ah:
Begin with Allahu Akbar.
Recite Surah Al-Fatihah (The Opening).
Recite another surah, often Surah Al-Ikhlas or any other preferred surah.
Complete the rak’ah as usual (ruku’, sujud, etc.).
Second Rak’ah:
Repeat the same process as the first rak’ah.
Complete the second rak’ah with the final Tashahhud and Salam.
4. Supplicate After the Prayer
After completing the prayer, recite the dua (supplication) of need. This specific supplication is recommended, as narrated in a hadith from Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah:
Dua of Need:
“La ilaha illa Allahu al-Halimul-Karim. Subhan-Allahi Rabbil-‘Arshil-‘Azim. Alhamdu lillahi Rabbil-‘Alamin. As’aluka mujibati rahmatika wa ‘aza’ima maghfiratika, wal-ghanima min kulli birrin, was-salamata min kulli ithmin. La tada’ li dhanban illa ghafartahu, wala hamman illa farrajtahu, wala hajatan hiya laka ridan illa qadaytaha, ya arham ar-rahimin.”
Translation: “There is no god but Allah, the Forbearing, the Generous. Glory is to Allah, Lord of the Mighty Throne. Praise is to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. I ask You for the means of Your mercy and forgiveness, the benefit of every good deed, and safety from all sins. Do not leave me with any sin except that You forgive it, any worry except that You relieve it, and any need of mine that pleases You except that You fulfill it, O Most Merciful of those who show mercy.”
5. Additional Personal Supplications
After reciting the prescribed dua, make your personal supplications in any language.
Be humble, sincere, and persistent in asking Allah for your need.
Trust in Allah’s wisdom and accept His decree.
Key Points to Remember:
The number of rak’ahs: While the most common practice is two rak’ahs, some scholars mention the option of four or more rak’ahs depending on individual circumstances.
Timing: The prayer can be offered at any time except during prohibited times (e.g., immediately after Fajr until sunrise or after Asr until sunset).
Faith and Patience: Believe in Allah’s power to fulfill your need and remain patient if the answer is delayed.
Consistency: You can repeat this prayer as often as you wish for the same or different needs.