
5 Answers

Salat al-Shukr (the prayer of gratitude) is not an obligatory prayer in Islam but is highly encouraged as a way to express gratitude to Allah for blessings or relief from hardship. Here’s how it can be performed:

Steps to Perform Salat al-Shukr

1. Make the Intention (Niyyah):

Before starting, make a sincere intention in your heart to pray for the purpose of thanking Allah.

2. Perform Wudu (Ablution):

Ensure you are in a state of physical purity by performing wudu, as with any formal prayer.

3. Find a Clean Place:

Choose a clean and quiet place to pray.

4. Offer Two Rak’ahs (Units) of Prayer:

Perform a standard two-rak’ah voluntary prayer (nafl) with no specific Surahs required.

In each rak’ah:

Recite Surah Al-Fatihah (The Opening).

Recite any other Surah or verses from the Qur’an.

Complete the prayer as you would any two-rak’ah prayer.

5. Make Sujood of Gratitude (Optional):

After the prayer, you can make a Sujood ash-Shukr (Prostration of Gratitude) directly by going into prostration and praising Allah. You may say:

“Subhana Rabbiyal-A‘la” (Glory be to my Lord, the Most High).

Or make a personal dua expressing thanks.

6. Supplicate (Make Dua):

After completing the prayer, raise your hands and make dua, thanking Allah for His blessings and asking for continued guidance and mercy.


No Specific Time or Occasion: Salat al-Shukr can be offered at any time except during the prohibited times for prayer (e.g., during sunrise, sunset, or when the sun is at its zenith).

Sujood of Gratitude Alone: If you cannot perform the two rak’ahs, you can simply make the Sujood of Gratitude by prostrating to Allah directly and thanking Him verbally.

This prayer is a beautiful way to connect with Allah and express sincere appreciation for His countless blessings.

Muaaz Sohail Answered question November 22, 2024
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