To perform Salat (prayer) according to the Sunnah:
1. **Make Wudu** (ablution) to be in a state of purity.
2. **Face the Qibla** (direction of the Kaaba in Mecca).
3. **Intention (Niyyah):** Silently intend the specific prayer.
4. **Takbir al-Ihram:** Raise hands and say “Allahu Akbar” to begin.
5. **Recite Al-Fatihah** in each unit (rak’ah) of prayer and add a Surah in the first two rak’ahs.
6. **Ruku (Bowing):** Bow, say “Subhana Rabbiyal Azim” (3 times).
7. **Qiyam (Standing):** Rise and say “Sami’ Allahu liman hamidah, Rabbana lakal hamd.”
8. **Sujud (Prostration):** Prostrate, say “Subhana Rabbiyal A’la” (3 times).
9. **Sit briefly** between two prostrations.
10. **Repeat Ruku and Sujud** for each rak’ah as required.
11. **Tashahhud**: Sit after two rak’ahs, recite Tashahhud.
12. **End with Tasleem**: Say “Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah” to both sides.
Ensure focus, humility, and correct recitation throughout. This is the general method observed in the Sunnah.