
4 Answers

Islamic law, or sharia, addresses social justice and equity through a variety of legal mechanisms and institutions, including:

  • Economic distribution
    Islam aims to ensure a fair distribution of wealth and income through measures such as zakat, sadaqat, and inheritance laws. The Quran also prohibits usury and hoarding wealth, and encourages the wealthy to help the poor. 

  • Governance
    Islamic law emphasizes transparency, accountability, and integrity in governance. 

  • Criminal law
    Islamic criminal law includes provisions for fair legal procedures and the rejection of unfair acts. 

  • Family law
    Islamic family law protects the rights of women and children, and ensures fair inheritance distribution. 

  • Contract law
    Islamic law recognizes penalty clauses in contracts, but the penalty should be proportionate to the damage. 

Naeema jahangir Answered question November 12, 2024
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