
6 Answers

Justice (Adl) in Islam:

Personal context:

1. Fairness in intentions and actions.

2. Self-reflection and accountability.

3. Truthfulness and honesty.

4. Compassion and mercy.

5. Forgiveness and pardoning.

Social context:

1. Equality and fairness.

2. Protection of rights.

3. Justice in governance.

4. Standing against oppression.

5. Promoting peace and security.

Quranic verses and Hadiths:

– “Be just, for justice is next to piety.” (5:8)

– “The Prophet (PBUH) said, ‘Justice is the foundation of prosperity.'” (Tirmidhi)

Islamic principles:

1. Tawhid (oneness with Allah).

2. Risalah (Prophetic guidance).

3. Khilafah (stewardship).

Key concepts:

1. Haq (truth and rights).

2. Qist (fairness and justice).

3. Ihsan (benevolence).

Implementing justice:

1. Educate yourself and others.

2. Advocate for justice.

3. Support just causes.

4. Stand against injustice.

5. Engage in community service.

Would you like more information on Islamic justice or personal development?

M Zeeshan Answered question November 22, 2024
