
25 Answers

If fasting during Ramadan becomes physically harmful due to extreme weather conditions or long daylight hours, a Muslim has several options according to Islamic teachings:

1. **Consultation with a Medical Professional:** First, seek advice from a healthcare professional to assess the impact of fasting on your health. This ensures that any decision made is based on sound medical guidance.

2. **Tayammum (Symbolic Ablution) and Delayed Fasting:** If fasting is causing severe harm and you are unable to fast safely, consult with an Islamic scholar. Tayammum is a symbolic purification that can be used in certain conditions, but its application for fasting needs specific guidance.

3. **Exemption and Compensation:**
– **Fidya (Compensation):** If fasting poses a serious risk to health, you may be exempt from fasting and instead pay fidya, which is a form of compensation. Fidya involves providing food to a needy person for each day of fasting missed.
– **Kaffara (Expiation):** If a person is permanently unable to fast due to a chronic illness or extreme health conditions, they may need to provide continuous charity (kaffara) as an alternative.

4. **Adjusting Fasting Times:** In some cases, it may be possible to adjust fasting times by following local guidelines that account for extreme conditions. This should be done in consultation with local Islamic authorities or scholars to ensure adherence to Islamic principles.

5. **Make-Up Fasts (Qada):** If the inability to fast is temporary, such as due to severe weather conditions or health issues, you may be required to make up the missed fasts (qada) at a later time when conditions improve.

6. **Seek Local Islamic Guidance:** Consult with local Islamic scholars or community leaders who can provide specific guidance tailored to your situation and the practices followed in your country.

Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of maintaining health and safety while fulfilling religious duties. Balancing these aspects is crucial, and using the available options allows for adherence to Islamic principles while addressing practical challenges.

Asim Jatt Answered question August 28, 2024
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