
7 Answers

Here are the benefits of charity (Zakat):

*Spiritual Benefits:*

1. Purification of wealth and soul (Quran 9:103)
2. Forgiveness of sins (Quran 25:70)
3. Increased piety and closeness to Allah (Quran 3:133-134)
4. Reward in the afterlife (Quran 4:162)
5. Protection from hellfire (Quran 72:13)

*Social Benefits:*

1. Reduces poverty and inequality
2. Fosters community cohesion and social solidarity
3. Supports vulnerable groups (orphans, widows, needy)
4. Promotes social justice and fairness
5. Encourages generosity and compassion

*Economic Benefits:*

1. Stimulates economic growth and development
2. Reduces poverty and unemployment
3. Increases purchasing power of the poor
4. Encourages investment and entrepreneurship
5. Reduces wealth concentration and inflation

*Personal Benefits:*

1. Cultivates gratitude and contentment
2. Reduces attachment to material wealth
3. Increases self-discipline and responsibility
4. Enhances reputation and social standing
5. Brings peace of mind and happiness

*Types of Zakat:*

1. Zakat al-Mal (wealth Zakat): 2.5% of excess wealth
2. Zakat al-Fitr (fast-breaking Zakat): given during Ramadan

*Who is eligible for Zakat?*

1. The poor and needy
2. Orphans and widows
3. Travelers and stranded persons
4. Debtors and prisoners
5. Those fighting for a righteous cause

*Quranic Verses:*

1. “Take from their wealth a charity to purify them and cleanse them thereby.” (9:103)
2. “Those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah… will have a great reward.” (4:162)
3. “Charity extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire.” (Hadith)


1. “Charity does not decrease wealth.” (Bukhari)
2. “The upper hand is better than the lower hand.” (Bukhari)

Zakat is a fundamental aspect of Islam, and its benefits extend beyond the individual to society and the economy.

Muhammad Samiullah Answered question November 10, 2024
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