Explore the Islamic perspective on breeding and selling dogs. Understand the differing views among scholars and how this practice aligns with Islamic teachings.
Is It Haram to Breed and Sell Dogs in Islam?
In Islam, owning a dog is generally not permissible unless the dog is used for specific purposes like farming or herding livestock. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
“Whoever keeps a dog, his reward for good deeds will decrease by one qeeraat every day, except dogs used for farming or herding livestock.”
Narratedbyal−Bukhaari,2322Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 2322Narratedbyal−Bukhaari,2322
But what about breeding and selling dogs? Is it considered haram to engage in such practices? Let’s explore this topic in depth.
Scholarly Opinions on Breeding and Selling Dogs
Islamic scholars have offered different opinions regarding the breeding, selling, and buying of dogs. Some early scholars strictly prohibited the breeding and selling of any type of dog. Others allowed these practices but only for dogs permitted in Islam, such as hunting or guard dogs.
- Shafi’is, Hanbalis, and Majority of Malikis: These scholars agree that selling and breeding dogs is not permissible, even for those used in hunting or guarding. This opinion is based on the Hadith:”The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) prohibited taking money for dogs and cursed those who earn through them.”
Al−BukhariandMuslimAl-Bukhari and MuslimAl−BukhariandMuslim - Hanafis: They permit the sale of all dogs except for those that are vicious and bite people. However, this opinion remains less favored compared to the stricter views of the other schools of thought.
Hadiths and Sunnah on Selling Dogs
Several Hadiths emphasize that it is haram to sell dogs. For example:
- Abu Juhayfah narrated:“The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade the price of a dog.”
Al−BukhariAl-BukhariAl−Bukhari - Abu Mas’ud al-Ansari narrated:“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade the price of a dog, the wages of a prostitute, and the fee of a fortuneteller.”
Al−BukhariandMuslimAl-Bukhari and MuslimAl−BukhariandMuslim
What About Guard and Hunting Dogs?
Although some argue that selling hunting and guard dogs is permissible, the majority of scholars disagree. They base their views on the general prohibition of selling any dog, regardless of its purpose.
“The prohibition on the price of a dog indicates that it is haram to sell dogs; the transaction is not valid, and the price is not halal.”
Al−NawawiinSharhMuslimAl-Nawawi in Sharh MuslimAl−NawawiinSharhMuslim
Permissibility in Certain Situations
There are rare circumstances where buying a dog may be permissible, such as when a person needs a hunting or guard dog and cannot find one except by purchase. However, in these cases, the sin lies with the seller, not the buyer.
In conclusion, the majority opinion among scholars is that it is haram to breed and sell dogs in Islam. Whether for hunting, guarding, or any other purpose, these transactions are generally not permitted.
Related Questions:
- Is it haram to have a dog for protection?
- Can I keep a dog as a pet in Islam?
- What does Islam say about playing with dogs?
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