
8 Answers

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Here is the answer:

The proper method of performing Salat (prayer) according to Sunnah involves:

1. Intention
2. Facing Qiblah
3. Standing upright
4. Takbiratul Ihram
5. Reciting Fatiha and another chapter
6. Ruku
7. Sajdah
8. Sitting
9. Second Sajdah
10. Tashahhud
11. Salawat
12. Dua
13. Tasleem

And remember to:

– Maintain proper posture
– Recite required phrases
– Follow the order of the steps
– Be mindful and present in your prayer
– Seek guidance from Islamic scholars if needed

May Allah guide us to perform our prayers according to the Sunnah!

Dua Duasahzadi Answered question November 23, 2024
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