Naeema jahangir Answered question November 12, 2024
According to Islam, employers should treat their employees with kindness, justice, and consideration. The Prophet Muhammad said, “Your employees are your brothers upon whom Allah has given you authority”. This relationship is meant to be one of brotherhood, and both parties should work together with honesty, trust, and sincerity.
Here are some other ways that Muslims should treat their employees:
- Pay employees fairly: Pay employees honestly and on time.
- Don’t overburden employees: Don’t give employees more work than they can handle. If an employee is given too much work, the employer should help them.
- Be considerate: Employers should be considerate of their employees’ comfort and well-being.
- Be forgiving: Employers should be forgiving and compassionate.
- Assign work based on capacity: Assign work to employees based on their capacity.
Naeema jahangir Answered question November 12, 2024