1. Strengthening Faith (Iman):
Belief in Allah and Tawheed: Deepen understanding of Allah’s oneness and cultivate reliance on Him.S
incerity in Worship: Ensure all acts of worship (e.g., prayer, fasting, charity) are done solely for Allah.
2. Performing Obligatory Acts of Worship:
Daily Prayers (Salah): Perform the five daily prayers with humility and concentration.
Fasting (Sawm): Observe Ramadan and optional fasts as acts of self-discipline.
Zakat and Charity: Give obligatory alms (zakat) and voluntary charity to purify wealth and help the needy.
Hajj: Complete the pilgrimage to Mecca if financially and physically able.
3. Repentance (Tawbah):
Regularly seek Allah’s forgiveness for sins, whether major or minor.
Resolve not to repeat sins and strive for self-improvement.
4. Pursuing Good Deeds:
Engage in consistent acts of kindness, helping others, and spreading good.
Recite and reflect on the Qur’an regularly to gain knowledge and guidance.
Follow the Sunnah (traditions) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
5. Avoiding Sin and Temptation:
Stay away from major sins like lying, stealing, and backbiting.
Guard the eyes, ears, and tongue from harmful or impermissible actions.
6. Developing Good Character (Akhlaq):
Be truthful, patient, humble, and forgiving.
Treat others with respect and justice.
7. Preparing for Death:
Keep a will prepared and ensure debts are settled.
Remember death frequently to stay mindful of accountability.
8. Trust in Allah’s Mercy:
Balance fear of Allah’s punishment with hope in His mercy.
Have faith that Allah forgives those who sincerely repent and strive to improve.
9. Knowledge and Reflection:
Study Islamic teachings about the Day of Judgment to stay aware of its significance.
Reflect on the temporary nature of this world and focus on the eternal hereafter.
10. Consistent Dua (Supplication)
Regularly ask Allah for guidance, forgiveness, and steadfastness in faith.
Supplicate for protection from the trials of the grave and the Day of Judgment.