
4 Answers

Key differences:

Islamic Approach:

1. Divine sovereignty (Allah’s authority).

2. Shariah law foundation.

3. Leadership accountability.

4. Justice, equality emphasis.

5. Community participation.

Western Approach:

1. Human sovereignty (people’s authority).

2. Secular law foundation.

3. Individual rights focus.

4. Democracy, representation.

5. Separation of church and state.

Islamic principles:

1. Tawhid (oneness with Allah).

2. Khilafah (stewardship).

3. Adl (justice).

4. Shura (consultation).

Western principles:

1. Liberalism.

2. Capitalism.

1. Nationalism.

2. Humanism.

Comparing systems:

1. Islamic: Theocratic, God-centered.

2. Western: Democratic, human-centered.

Key Islamic concepts:

1. Imamah (leadership).

2. Bay’ah (allegiance).

3. Hijrah (migration).

Key Western concepts:

1. Social contract.

2. Separation of powers.

3. Individual freedom.

Would you like more information on Islamic governance or Western political systems?

M Zeeshan Answered question November 22, 2024
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