
2 Answers

If someone is unsure if their wealth was earned through halal means, they can consider the following steps to rectify any potential wrongs:

  • Give back
    Give from what you have been given, whether it’s through monetary donations or volunteering your time and talents. This is known as sadaqah and is a way to increase your real wealth. 

  • Purify your investments
    If up to 5% of your revenue may come from impermissible sources, scholars recommend giving a little extra in Sadaqah. 

  • Practice other halal investing tips
    Consider investing in halal only, investing what you can afford to lose, doing your homework before investing, and praying Istikhara before making investment decisions.

    ome other Islamic teachings on wealth include:

    • It is never acceptable to earn a living by doing wrong.
    • Practice charity toward the poor, orphans, and those in need.
    • Giving of your wealth is the source of true prosperity. 
Naeema jahangir Answered question November 12, 2024
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