
8 Answers

Islamic Jurisprudence and Bioethics/Medical Ethics:

_Islamic Principles:_

1. Sanctity of human life (Quran 5:32, 17:33)
2. Protection of health (Quran 2:195, 7:157)
3. Prohibition of harm (Quran 2:194, 4:29)
4. Justice and fairness (Quran 4:58, 5:8)

_Bioethics Issues:_

1. Abortion: Permitted in exceptional cases (e.g., mother’s life at risk)
2. Euthanasia: Prohibited (Quran 2:195, 4:29)
3. Organ transplantation: Permitted with conditions (e.g., consent, no harm)
4. Stem cell research: Debated among scholars
5. Genetic engineering: Regulated by Islamic principles

_Medical Ethics:_

1. Patient autonomy: Respected within Islamic guidelines
2. Informed consent: Mandatory (Quran 2:282)
3. Confidentiality: Protected (Quran 24:27-28)
4. Medical research: Encouraged with ethical considerations

_Islamic Jurisprudence Schools:_

1. Hanafi: Emphasizes patient autonomy
2. Maliki: Focuses on protection of life
3. Shafi’i: Balances individual rights and public interest
4. Hanbali: Strict interpretation, prioritizing Quran and Sunnah

_Scholarly Contributions:_

1. Imam Al-Ghazali: Integrated Islamic ethics and medicine
2. Ibn Rushd (Averroes): Wrote on medical ethics and philosophy
3. Shaykh Al-Uthaymin: Addressed modern bioethical issues

_Contemporary Applications:_

1. Islamic Medical Associations (IMA)
2. Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences (IOMS)
3. Bioethics guidelines from Muslim World League

_Recommended Resources:_

1. “Islamic Bioethics” by Abdulaziz Sachedina
2. “Medical Ethics in Islam” by Muhammad Ali Al-Bar
3. “The Islamic Vision of Human Life” by Sayyid Qutb

_Dua (Prayer) for Guidance:_

“O Allah, guide medical professionals to righteousness.”

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bilal ali Answered question November 8, 2024
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