
5 Answers

**Salat al-Kusuf** (صلاة الكسوف), the **prayer of eclipse**, is a special prayer in Islam that is performed when there is a solar or lunar eclipse. It is a recommended (Sunnah) prayer, based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), to be performed as a way of seeking forgiveness, turning to Allah, and reflecting on the majesty of His creation during such extraordinary events.

### Steps to Perform **Salat al-Kusuf**:

1. **Timing of the Prayer:**
– **Salat al-Kusuf** is performed when a **solar eclipse** (Kusuf) or **lunar eclipse** (Khusuf) occurs.
– The prayer should be performed during the actual eclipse, but it is not obligatory; it is a recommended act (Sunnah) to perform when these events occur.

2. **Niyyah (Intention):**
– As with any prayer, the intention (**niyyah**) must be made before performing the prayer. You should mentally intend to perform the prayer of eclipse for the sake of Allah.

3. **Number of Units (Rak‘ahs):**
– **Salat al-Kusuf** is a **two rak‘ah** prayer, but each rak‘ah contains **two units of bowing (ruku)**, making it a long prayer.

4. **Method of Performing the Prayer:**
– The prayer is performed as follows:

**First Rak‘ah:**
– **Takbir al-Ihram:** Begin the prayer with the **Takbir** (“Allahu Akbar”) as usual.
– **Recite Al-Fatiha**: After the Takbir, recite **Surah Al-Fatiha**.
– **Recite a Surah from the Qur’an**: After Al-Fatiha, recite a long Surah (e.g., Surah Al-Baqarah or any other lengthy Surah of your choice).
– **First Ruku:** After the recitation, make a long bowing (ruku), staying in the bowing position for a longer time than usual.
– **Rise from Ruku:** Stand up again after the bowing, and then recite **Rabbana Lakal Hamd** (“Our Lord, to You is due all praise”).
– **Second Ruku:** Recite another Surah, followed by another long bowing (ruku).
– **Second Raka‘ah:** Stand up after the second ruku, complete the prayer as normal, and finish with **Taslim** (salutation).

The length of the bowings (ruku) and prostrations (sujood) are longer than in the regular prayers, symbolizing the seriousness of the occasion and the need to turn to Allah in humility.

**Second Rak‘ah:**
– The second rak‘ah is performed similarly to the first, except that after the second ruku (bowing), the person moves to the final sitting position (tashahhud) and concludes the prayer with **Taslim** (salutation).

5. **Additional Features of the Prayer:**
– **Length of the Prayer:** The prayer is longer than regular prayers, as the bowing and prostrations should be extended to reflect the gravity of the eclipse and to symbolize humility before Allah.
– **Du’a (Supplication):** After completing the prayer, it is recommended to make du’a (supplication), seeking forgiveness from Allah and turning to Him in repentance and reflection on His power.

6. **Sunnah of the Prophet during an Eclipse:**
– It is reported that during an eclipse, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) would gather the people and lead them in Salat al-Kusuf. He would encourage people to reflect on the eclipse as a sign of Allah’s power and majesty. The Prophet also instructed the believers to give **sadaqah** (charity) during the eclipse as a way to purify oneself.
– The Prophet also said:
– **“The sun and the moon are two signs among the signs of Allah. They do not eclipse because of the death or life of anyone. When you see them, make du’a, pray, and give charity.”**
— (Sahih al-Bukhari)

7. **The Etiquette and Sunnah Actions During the Eclipse:**
– **Prayer in congregation**: It is highly recommended to perform the prayer in congregation, although it can also be prayed individually.
– **Sadaqah (charity)**: It is encouraged to give charity during the eclipse, as a way of seeking Allah’s mercy and protection.
– **Making Dhikr (remembrance of Allah)**: It is recommended to engage in Dhikr and supplication during the eclipse, reflecting on the significance of the event.

### Important Notes:
– **Eclipses are a Sign from Allah**: Eclipses are seen in Islam as natural phenomena that remind people of the greatness and power of Allah. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught that eclipses are not caused by the death or life of individuals, but are signs from Allah meant to remind people of the Day of Judgment and to reflect on their relationship with Him.
– **No Fixed Time for Salat al-Kusuf**: Unlike regular prayers, the eclipse prayer is not tied to a specific time. It is performed only during the eclipse itself.

### Conclusion:
Salat al-Kusuf is a special prayer performed during a solar or lunar eclipse to seek forgiveness, show humility, and reflect on the majesty of Allah. It is an act of worship that brings the community together in times of awe, reminding believers of the impermanence of the world and the greatness of the Creator. While it is not obligatory, it is a highly recommended practice that underscores the values of piety, reflection, and solidarity in the Muslim community.

Zoya Abid Answered question November 6, 2024
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