
4 Answers

If a Muslim is invited to a gathering where backbiting is common, they should respond in a manner that maintains their moral integrity and adherence to Islamic values. Here are some guidelines:

1. Decline the invitation: If possible, politely decline the invitation, citing a valid reason.

2. Change the subject: If attendance is unavoidable, try to steer conversations towards positive topics.

3. Refrain from participation: Avoid engaging in backbiting or gossip.

4. Speak up (if necessary): If comfortable doing so, gently remind others that backbiting is harmful.

5. Leave the gathering: If backbiting persists and you’ve made your stance clear, consider leaving.

Remember, Islam emphasizes protecting others’ dignity and reputation (Quran 49:12, 104:1).


– Quran 49:12, 104:1

– Hadiths (Bukhari, Muslim)

– Islamic scholarship (e.g., Ibn Hajar, Al-Nawawi)

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Muhammad Ahmed Answered question November 6, 2024
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